Title: Staffing Trends: How the Second Week of January 2024 Compared to Last Year


As we enter a new year, it’s important to take a look at the latest trends in the staffing industry. The SIA | Bullhorn Staffing Indicator provides valuable insights into the current state of the industry, comparing week-over-week and year-over-year data. In this second week of January, the staffing industry is still behind last year’s trend, but there are signs of improvement.

Year-over-year changes:

According to the SIA | Bullhorn Staffing Indicator, the week ending January 20th saw a decrease of 17% in temporary staffing hours compared to the same week a year ago. This decline was seen across both commercial (industrial and office/clerical) and professional (IT, healthcare, finance, engineering, etc.) occupations, with decreases of 18% and 11%, respectively.

Week-over-week changes:

On a week-over-week basis, there was a slight increase of 2.8% in temporary staffing hours worked. This can be attributed to businesses catching up after the holiday season. Commercial temporary staffing hours saw a 3.4% increase, while professional temporary staffing hours saw a 1.0% increase