
Temporary staffing hours worked in the US decreased by -14% year-over-year for the week ending April 15th according to the SIA | Bullhorn Staffing Indicator. Hours worked in professional occupations were down -7% year-over-year, and hours worked in commercial occupations were down -16%. Over the past five weeks, hours worked in commercial occupations fell by an average year-over-year growth rate of -16%, and hours worked in professional occupations decreased by an average year-over-year growth rate of -5%.

SIA and Bullhorn have partnered to provide insight into real-time trends in the US staffing industry, and for industry leaders, investors, and others to have a co-incident indicator for the US labor market and economy. For further detail and technical notes, please refer to the methodology.

The SIA | Bullhorn Staffing Indicator reveals that while US staffing hours remain down from last year, they have been holding roughly stable on a week-over-week basis. While the outlook during 2023 is uncertain, it is expected that there will be a modest decline in commercial staffing and mixed results in professional staffing in terms of market size.