As organizations look to hire and maintain talent in the year ahead, HR professionals are expecting to stay the course with hiring initiatives. In fact, the latest CompTIA “Workforce and Learning Trends” report reveals that 71% of HR professionals plan to hire to support growth initiatives in the first half of 2023. Meanwhile, 23% of respondents expect skills gaps to be a significant factor in layoff decisions.

Talent mobility has been identified as the top trend shaping efforts to hire new talent and deploy existing staff. As such, 75% of the survey respondents reported that their organization has a formal or informal talent mobility program and plans to increase its scope and emphasis on talent mobility.

To adjust for changes in the workforce, 84% of HR professionals indicated that they use the T-shaped skills model in some capacity to guide talent management. This model signifies an employee with a deep understanding of a particular field, as well as breadth of cross-discipline competencies.

Though still at an early stage, artificial intelligence is on the radar of most HR professionals, with a neutral or to-be-determined view of AI and its impact on HR. As such, it’s clear to see that HR professionals are beginning to integrate new