Do you know if your company is compliant with global licensing laws when it comes to temporary work or the use of an Employer of Record? Understanding the licensing laws for temporary agencies and EOR providers can be a difficult and time-consuming task. This report provides insight into the various licensing laws in different countries so that you can ensure your company is compliant.

Going into detail, temporary work is characterized by a triangular relationship between the temporary worker, the end-user hirer and the temporary work agency (TWA). Most countries require that TWAs are licensed or registered with a governmental body before being allowed to supply temporary workers. However, the same licensing requirement may also apply to Employer of Record (EOR) providers, even though the EOR provider plays no part in finding or recruiting the worker.

This report examines and sets out the type of licensing required in 42 different countries. Furthermore, it looks at the requirements for seven provinces in Canada and 11 states in the US, both current and pending.

Don’t risk regulatory and financial penalties. Ensure your company is compliant with the various local and international licensing laws when it comes to temporary work and EOR. Make sure you’re up to date with the