Drafting a Request for Proposal is a vital part of making sure that your workforce program is successful. It can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential for making sure that you are dealing with the right vendor who can best meet your needs. An RFP is a formal document that should include specific program information and clearly state your goals and requirements. When done right, a RFP should encourage bidders to propose creative, relevant and cost-effective solutions that focus on the end results rather than the means. This document should put the bidder in a mindset of having already secured the business and encourage them to respond from a position of reality rather than theory. Your RFP should also clearly state any assumptions that the bidder can make in the absence of any factual data. Taking the time to craft a quality RFP can help your organization mitigate risk and bring a number of benefits such as enabling respondents to understand your needs, accurately price their response and minimize any ambiguity that can otherwise cause delays or the wrong selection.