This year, Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) has invited both Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and suppliers to share their views in the VMS Global Landscape Survey. With the goal of providing meaningful results, SIA asked each VMS platform to have at least three of their suppliers complete the survey. Out of the 51 completed surveys, 13 were from MSPs and 38 were from suppliers.

The survey asked nine questions that focused on common tasks conducted by suppliers when utilizing VMS technology. Remarkably, 11 out of the 15 VMS participants met the required three-supplier benchmark.

At the end of the year, SIA will publish a report featuring the gathered survey information, giving organizations a unique insight into supplier engagement on VMS-related topics. With the help of the VMS platforms and their suppliers, SIA hopes to provide a valuable contribution to the current knowledge of supplier VMS utilization.