Significant developments have taken place in the world of data privacy and AI over the past few years! In 2023, countries such as Oman and Vietnam have passed comprehensive laws on data privacy, while laws are pending in Switzerland, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. Australia’s government has proposed significant reforms to its Privacy Act and the UK has proposed amendments to make the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies to the UK more practicable and less burdensome in lower risk situations. The EU-US Data Privacy Framework has been finalized after three years of negotiations, allowing registered organisations to transfer personal data between the two continents without requiring further safeguards. India is also making progress in passing the comprehensive Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023. Furthermore, the EU is finalizing the draft AI Act, and New York City has become the first jurisdiction in the US to have passed a law regulating the use of automated employment decision-making tools.

It’s clear the world of data privacy and AI is in a state of flux, with new developments happening all of the time. To keep up with the latest news, seeking out the advice of qualified legal counsel is highly recommended.