This summer, Staffing Industry Analysts conducted its sixth annual IT Staffing & Solutions Benchmarking Survey, as a deep dive into the first half of 2023. The survey consisted of 25 survey respondents who reported a total of $4.3 billion in temporary IT staffing revenue. This number accounts for roughly 21% of the IT staffing industry, adjusted for acquisitions.

Remarkably, the survey found that there was a 1.2% decrease in revenue compared to 1H22, but a 3.3% increase in average bill rate. This indicates that the demand for IT services is high, but companies are more cost-conscious. Additionally, certain IT skills were difficult to find. According to the survey, the highest rated skills were cloud architect, cyber/data security, and data architect/data scientist/big data/BI.

The survey also revealed that statement-of-work engagements were popular, comprising 56% of all reported revenue. Project work was the most common type of SOW service delivery engagement type (53.0% of respondent SOW revenue on average). Furthermore, 73% of aggregate IT staffing revenue was generated from orders received directly from the client without a Vendor Management System.

We hope that this summary report