Total Talent Acquisition (TTA) and Total Talent Management (TTM) are two different models for sourcing employed and non-employed workers under one program. TTA and TTM programs help organizations to proactively consider all options for engaging talent, and consider the cost and suitability of each type of worker. This provides the organization with a ‘whole’ workforce view. Post-talent acquisition, TTM incorporates policies and practices for the ongoing management and motivation of workers.

SIA’s 2023 Workforce Solutions Buyer Survey  shows that only 16% of buyers manage a TTA program, while 42% plan to seriously explore TTA in the next two years. 58% of respondents cite organizational siloes as a barrier for low adoption levels, while 33% of organizations have contingent workforce planning as part of their corporate strategy today, and 49% are likely to explore this in the next two years.

The past decade has seen discussion around Total Talent, however many organizations have yet to realize their goal of Total Talent Management, as their primary focus was to control labor spend and implement appropriate controls. With the changes to the contingent workforce ecosystem, there is increasing infrastructure for the concept, with providers offering RPO