Welcome to the 2024 Temporary Worker Survey report! We are excited to share with you the initial findings of this survey, which was conducted in partnership with the 2023-2024 Staffing Industry Analysts “Best Staffing Companies to Work For” competition.

This report includes in-depth insights and analysis from 3,434 temporary workers in North America, representing 29 different staffing firms. With no single firm accounting for more than 19% of respondents, this data provides a comprehensive perspective on the current state of the temporary workforce.

We cover a variety of topics in this report, including the satisfaction levels of temporary workers with their staffing agencies, their use of consumer and business work platforms, and the growing trend of remote work.

We understand that access to reliable data is important for businesses to make informed decisions, which is why we are offering the complete survey questions and summary statistics in this report.

So, whether you are a staffing firm looking to improve your services or a business looking to hire temporary workers, this report is a valuable resource for you. Click the link below to access the complete report and gain a better understanding of the temporary workforce in North America.

Let’s dive into the data and uncover the key insights from the 2024 Temporary Worker Survey!