In the next five years, the WEF project an impressive structural labour-market churn of 23% of the 673 million employees in the data set studied. This constitutes a reduction in employment of 14 million jobs or 2%.

Large-scale job growth is expected in education, agriculture, digital commerce, and trade. Jobs in the Education industry are expected to grow by about 10%, leading to 3 million additional jobs for Vocational Education Teachers and University and Higher education Teachers and jobs for agricultural professionals are expected to increase by around 30%, leading to an additional 3 million jobs. Growth is also forecast in approximately 4 million digitally-enabled roles. The largest losses are expected in administrative roles and in security, factory and commerce roles.

The WEF also report that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years. Cognitive skills are reported to be growing in importance most rapidly and creative thinking is growing in importance slightly more rapidly than analytical thinking. Technology literacy is the third-fastest growing core skill. Self-efficacy skills also rank above working with others in the rate of increase in importance.

Businesses also consider curiosity and lifelong learning; resilience, flexibility and agility; and motivation and self-awareness to be the most