Are you a staffing firm reluctantly navigating the uncertain waters of the pandemic and economic downturn? If so, you are not alone. The “2023 Staffing Company Survey” conducted in the summer of 2023 provides critical insight into the needs, concerns, and experiences of staffing firms operating in North America. The survey garnered 515 responses, mostly from firms with greater than $10 million in revenue.

Results of the survey highlighted temporary worker and internal staff remote work trends, how staffing firms responded to the current economic downturn, merger and acquisition multiples, automation and technology trends, legal concerns, and more.

Review of responses to the survey showed that staffing firms are still operating, albeit more cautiously, in today’s environment. Access to capital, remote workforce management, and automated workflow are cited as key elements for managing through and beyond the pandemic.

We invite you to take a closer look at our summaries of the 2023 Staffing Company Survey for a more comprehensive understanding of the needs and perspectives of staffing firms in North America. Detailed reports on our survey findings are available to put you ahead of the curve and provide greater strategic insight into the staffing industry—one that will remain a critical component of business recovery in