This week’s SIA | Bullhorn Staffing Indicator reveals a decrease in temporary staffing hours worked across the US. Year-over-year, US staffing was down 10%, commercial staffing declined -11%, and professional staffing decreased -9%. On a week-over-week basis, hours worked were up slightly, with commercial and professional temporary staffing hours increasing 0.3% and 0.8% respectively. The month of August saw professional staffing hours decrease an average of 10% year-over-year and commercial staffing hours fall an average of 1100%. When compared to two years ago, commercial staffing was down 11% and professional staffing decreased by 1%.

The SIA | Bullhorn Staffing Indicator utilizes Bullhorn’s technology solutions and data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics to illustrate weekly trends in the volume of temporary staffing. The results from this indicator can be used to benchmark performances, forecast near term industry trends, and gain insights into the US labor market and economy. To learn more about the indicator and the market dynamics for each skill segment of staffing, register to our September 12th Staffing Industry Report Webinar for an overview of SIA’s forthcoming forecast update.