Despite the challenges of the last year, the staffing industry is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. We forecast the global staffing market revenue to grow by 5% in 2022, followed by an impressive 23% in 2021. Then, in 2023, we expect a more modest negative growth of -2%. However, some markets are expected to see double-digit increases. Lastly, growth at a rate of 4% is projected for 2024.

In 2021, the global staffing industry revenue totaled an impressive USD 654 billion (EUR 621 billion). Three countries, including the US, Japan and the UK, comprise 54% of this revenue. Meanwhile, thirteen other countries have revenue of at least USD 6 billion each.

Of the total global revenue, 85% comes from temporary staffing, with the remaining 15% from place and search services. By region, the Americas and EMEA account for 37% and 36% of global revenue, respectively, while APAC holds the remaining 26%.

Looking at the broader picture, China, Ireland and Poland have all demonstrated phenomenal growth in the staffing industry. To get a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of individual markets, readers should look into the Most Attractive Staffing Markets Globally